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The Aiki Dojo 2 Minute Technique - Basic Atemi for Ikkyo

David Ito Sensei discusses and demonstrates the basic atemi for Ikkyo. An atemi (当て身) is a strike to a vital area of an attacker’s body.  Today, the use of atemi in Aikido has been evolved out of the movement in most cases. This is especially true for Ikkyo. However, Ikkyo is one of those techniques that needs to be done just right in order to execute it properly. If a person doesn’t catch the timing then they will probably need to use an atemi or two. Each attack has a specific Ikkyo technique for that attack. Therefore, because each attack has its own Ikkyo, it will have its own nuanced atemi as well. However, there are three basic atemi that every Ikkyo has: some sort of strike to the face, a rib strike with the fist and rib strike with the knee. If one’s technique is good then the atemi isn’t necessary but they are like money in the bank and thus every Aikido should know them. Let us know if you want us to do a full length video on this or any topic.

Sometimes there's no time to read a lengthy message or watch a long documentary. So we've created these quick and easy 2 minute techniques to help you improve your Aikido technique and knowledge. Keep an eye out for them every Wednesday. 


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