Throwback Thursday - Be Open

Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on October 26, 2003.

It is important to remember the fundamental techniques, but it is also important to keep in mind the fundamental principles of Aikido as well. They are both like two wheels of a cart. By principles, I mean to be relaxed and well centered, directing one’s focus correctly, and keeping our posture straight.

We should never force the technique even though our partner may be using force. Work for "correctness," not strength. Aikido is not a competitive sport, it is training for the self.

Be understanding and put the other person before yourself. Of course, we are thinking about ourselves - but in Aikido training, it is the other person in front of us who is important. This is the most difficult concept for people to understand. This is only because we live in a very self centered world today.

Follow tradition before you follow your own ideas. Aikido is the refinement of O'Sensei's genius and the genius of many of his students over many generations. More often than not, their wisdom exceeds ours. Eventually and quite naturally, our own genius will emerge as we train and gain experience. Wait for this to happen naturally.

In your training, and in your Aikido go beyond right or wrong, just or unjust. Do not fret or worry or feel bad because of any injustice to yourself or others. Only focus on your training. Let the higher powers judge others and their actions - that is not a part of our concern or our Aikido. To quit because we may feel wronged or because we have a difficult time, is not Aikido. To see and experience injustice is only to direct oneself more strongly in our own direction. This is very difficult to understand but very important for us to learn in order to continue our practice.

We have everything we need to master Aikido within ourselves, in each human being, there is no such thing as "plus" or “minus." Never forget this in dealing with ourselves or others.

In Aikido, there is the power of reason and the power of faith. In trying to understand Aikido, most people use reason. Please know that, from times immemorial, the power of faith was the stronger power. Faith can encompass reason, but it is hard for reason to embrace faith.

Following this, there are many things we will not understand in Aikido. This is NOT because Aikido does not make any sense, it is more often that the vessel is too small to hold Aikido. Faith means acceptance, like an empty vessel which desires to hold as much water as possible. Please be open about everything.

Read more about Furuya Sensei here: