The best Aikidoists do it anyways. To “do it anyways” means that we will “take action, or pursue a goal even in the face of obstacles, doubts, or uncertainties. It's about embracing the courage to move forward despite the potential difficulties or fears.” Every person has fears and an Aikidoist is no different. The difference is that an Aikidoist does it anyways despite being afraid or facing seemingly overwhelming odds. “Do it anyways” is about courage and so it is one of those things we can’t be taught, but we can learn. In other words, we have to teach it to ourselves. In Aikido, we are not supposed to just stand there and wait to be hit or grabbed. At the tachiai (立ち合い) or “the initial moment of contact,” we are supposed to be in motion. Thus, we neutralize our opponent’s attack with movement. By moving before or as we are attacked, we are unknowingly teaching ourselves to “do it anyways.” An Aikidoist is supposed to be able to size up their opponent, assess the situation and act, all in a split second. If an Aikidoist stops to think or allows themselves to succumb to the fear, they will fall into the trap of their opponent’s attack. On a certain level, any movement is better than not moving at all but with time and training, we learn to move in the right direction and appropriately. Over time, moving despite the fear or odds becomes an integral part of our Aikido. When we can, we have taught ourselves the concept of “do it anyways.” “Do it anyways” is a habit and like all habits, it begins consciously but over time and the more we do it, it becomes subconscious or second nature. When it becomes habitual in the dojo, it becomes habitual in life. In life and in Aikido, we will always be confronted with fear, adversities, and obstacles. The great thing about Aikido training is that it gives us the tools to face our fears, overcome our adversities and have the courage to keep going no matter what. “Do it anyways!” is really just a battle cry or mantra that we use to spurn ourselves forward and in doing so it eventually leads us to acts of courage. The best Aikidoists know all the risks and have all the fears, but they move forward anyways and that is why the best Aikidoists do it anyways.

Today’s goal: When you are afraid or don’t want to, just say to yourself, “Do it anyways.”

Watch this video to better understand "Do it anyways."