Hana wa sakura gi hito wa bushi
Sakura among flowers, warriors among people.

The best martial artist stands alone. The Japanese say, “hana wa sakura gi hito wa bushi” (花は桜木人は武士) or “Cherry blossoms among flowers, warriors among people.” This proverb is supposed to mean that the cherry blossom is the most beautiful flower and that the warrior is supposed to be the best human being. In order to be the best, a martial artist has to stand alone and be a person of character. All martial arts are a hitoritabi (独り旅) or “a solo journey” and where we go, we go alone. I am not saying a person who studies a martial art is a loner nor am I saying that they are lonely. To be alone, in a martial arts sense, is to toil on one’s own. Also, where we are going in martial arts training is on a journey of self-discovery and like all self-discoveries, the realizations must be made by the self. If we always rely on others, then we run the risk of being defeated when they are not there to help us. Parents, teachers, and friends can help us, but they cannot punch the bag for us, sweep that leg, or dodge that strike coming towards our head. We alone have to defend ourselves. After all that’s why it’s called “self-defense” and that’s why our work is our work. When we put forth the effort, then we in turn can learn the lessons that enable us to stand alone in not only the martial arts but in life as well. The martial arts journey may be a solo one, but its training is always done with others. If we stop and think about it, all martial arts require at least two people. In class, teachers teach us and students give us their bodies to practice on. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to achieve our highest level. A second person is even necessary when practicing a kata (型) or “an individual training exercise” because the outer you is doing the kata while the inner you is leading you, guiding you and perfecting you. Thus, on a certain level, we are never really alone. In Japanese, they say kyakkashouko (脚下照顧) or “seek enlightenment by knowing yourself and not by watching others.” No one can fight our battles for us and as much as we might not like it, no one will care as much about it as we do. A day will come when we will all have to stand up on our own two feet and rise above. If we have been leaning on others in order to be successful, then there is no way that we can be a warrior among people. No one can fight our battles for us and thus, a real martial artist has to kogunfuntou (孤軍奮闘) or “fight alone.” 18th Century Anglican Cleric Laurence Sterne said, “In solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself.” What Sterne is alluding to is that when we go alone, it builds this inner strength that can’t be taught but can be learned. We learn it by teaching it to ourselves. To study a martial art is to travel alone down a path of self-discovery where we have to do our own work. A martial artist is a person of character who stands alone as a warrior among human beings.

Today’s goal: Your work is your work. No one can do it for you.

Watch this video to better understand being alone