"Bravery is not the absence of fear but the forging ahead despite being afraid." - Robert liparulo
Facing each day takes a tremendous amount of courage. No matter who we are, we all must get dressed and meet our day. A hard fact of life is that every person struggles and nobody has it easy. Understanding this, it would be nice if we all could all show each other a little bit more kindness, compassion and forgiveness.
Author Ian Maclaren said it best, "Be kind for every person we meet is fighting a hard battle."
If we could all remember this, the world would be a better place. Have a great day and congratulations on meeting your day with courage.
Graphic source: http://jimmymcwicked.deviantart.com/art/the-hollow-of-the-harbour-wave-201072915?q=gallery:jimmymcwicked/2525386&qo=52