Please check back here regularly for updates and changes to the schedule.

Monthly Schedule

General Weekly Schedule

Description of Classes

9:00 – 10:00 am Children’s Class - David Ito
10:15 – 11:15 am Regular - David Ito
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Fundamentals - David Ito

5:15-6:15 pm Fundamentals - Andrew Loviska
6:30 – 7:30 pm Regular - Bill D’Angelo

5:15-6:15 pm Fundamentals - Ken Watanabe
6:30 – 7:30 pm Weapons - Ken Watanabe
7:45-8:45 pm Iaido - Ken Watanabe

6:30 – 7:30 pm Regular - David Ito
8:30 – 9:30 pm Fundamentals - David Ito @ Terasaki Budokan

6:30 – 7:30 pm Open - Victor Gonzalez
7:45-8:45 pm Iaido - Ken Watanabe

6:30 – 7:30 pm Regular - Maria Murakawa

9:00 – 10:00 am Iaido - Ken Watanabe
10:15 – 11:15 am Regular - Ken Watanabe
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Theory - James Doi

Students can take classes in-person or on Zoom.
All classes are available to take via Zoom.
However, Zoom classes are only available for currently enrolled students.


Etiquette level: Medium

Teaching style: Semi-formal

Fitness level: Low to medium

*Slower paced version of the Traditional class. *

(all levels) Fundamentals class is a slower paced version of Regular class. The goal of this class is to provide new or returning students with the core skills needed to build a strong foundation. The slower pace enables students to concentrate on building strong kihon-waza or “basic fundamental skills” which is the surest path to gain technical proficiency in Aikido. There is no forward ukemi or rolling techniques in this class. This class is good training for students of all levels, but especially helpful for beginners or people who are coming back from a layoff or injury. The etiquette in this class is the same as Regular class but there is no cleaning, talking is allowed in hushed tones only and students don’t have to sit in seiza if they unable to.


Etiquette level: High

Teaching style: Formal

Fitness level: Medium

Formalized Aikido practice with continuous movement that is done in relative quietude.

(all levels) This class is how Aikido has been taught in Japan since its inception. There are two things which set Aikido apart from other martial arts: etiquette and continuous movement. Aikido etiquette conforms to the formalities of those studying a traditional martial art in the past and the students in this class are expected to adhere to those formalities. The continuous movement in Aikido is referred to as ki no nagare or “the flow of ki.” When our ki is flowing, then we can harmonize with our opponent’s attack and use their power, energy or momentum to subdue or throw them. The techniques taught in this class are considered “traditional” and conform to the standards of “Traditional Hombu Aikido” or “Aikikai” style Aikido as taught in Japan at the Aikido World Headquarters. Traditional etiquette dictates, among other things, that the talking be kept to a minimum, the students clean the dojo after class and the students sit seiza or on their knees whenever possible. The etiquette in Aikido is the basis which allows the students to reach a state known as shusei or “the practice of quietude” which enables them to reach a flow state in their minds. The quietude and the continuous movements of Aikido enable the movements of Aikido to become natural or second nature.


Etiquette level: Low

Teaching style: Informal

Fitness level: Medium to high

Advanced level and detail oriented Aikido.

(4th kyu and up) The practical nature of the Advanced class enables the students to understand and practice the fine or important details of each Aikido technique which may not be covered in the Fundamentals or Regular classes. The etiquette in this class has been relaxed to allow talking so that students feel encouraged to ask questions and the students can also sit in any position which is comfortable for them. In the Technical class, students will have the opportunity to delve into the specific details of the techniques, negotiate more complex attacks or utilize more highly developed ukemi skills. The teacher of this class holds a high rank in Aikido and has several decades of experience. Forward rolling proficiency is required to attend this class.  


Etiquette level: Low

Teaching style: Informal

Fitness level: Low

A hands-on lecture about the how’s and why’s of Aikido, its techniques and its philosophies.

(all levels) The Theory class is a hands-on lecture designed to educate the students on the theoretical explanations behind Aikido, its techniques and its philosophies. The etiquette in the Theory class has also been relaxed to allow talking so as to encourage a dialogue between the instructor and the students. This dialogue can help to increase the student’s understanding of Aikido and the students can also sit any way which is comfortable for them. This class is taught by a high-ranking instructor with several years of experience.

Open Practice

(all levels) The dojo offers this hour as a free time so that students can come and practice whatever they want. There is technically no instruction given at this time, but it is supervised by an instructor who provides guidance if requested. This class is especially helpful for anyone preparing for an upcoming promotional exam or demonstration, as well as anyone who wants some extra training time. This class is only open to currently enrolled students of the ACLA. 

Open Weapons

*(all levels) The dojo offers this hour as a free time so that students can come and practice weapons. This includes jo or short staff, bokken or wooden sword or iaido. Like the regular Open class, there is no formal instruction, but it is supervised by an instructor who provides guidance if requested. This class is for anyone who wants to begin their weapons training or deepen their knowledge of weapons. This class is only open to currently enrolled students of the ACLA. It is open to anyone with any level of weapons training, even beginners.


(all levels) The movements of Aikido are based upon the movement patterns of the katana or sword and the jo or short staff. Thus, a student must develop some level of competency in the use of those weapons on their way to gaining mastery of Aikido. Weapons class is open to all levels. Students should bring their own weapons. Please consult with the teacher or a senior student before purchasing weapons as there are many different styles of weapons.

Intensive Seminar

last Saturday of every month

(all levels) This class is held on the last Saturday of every month. Ito Sensei reconizes that students sometimes want more detailed instruction. Intensive Seminar is a designed as a vehicle to help students deepen their understanding of Aikido and the techniques. Good ukemi skills are required. By permission only