
Be that person… That person who is willing to stand up for what is right even when it is not popular. That person who will willingly put their life on the line for another person. That person who stays late even when everyone else has gone. That person who gets there earlier than anyone else. That person who wakes up early even when they don’t want to. That person who does what is necessary before they are asked. That person who eats last so that everyone else gets fed first. That person who willingly sacrifices for others. That person who does the things that nobody else will ever know. That person who is someone that everyone depends on. That person who never brags and would rather shine a light on others. That person who leads by example. That person who always tells the truth and never lies even to their detriment. That person who always follows through. That person who gets tired, but never quits. That person who will always be there when you need them. That person who is always dependable. That person who runs toward the fire. That person who is always by your side. That person who will sit with you at your deepest darkest moments. That person who is kind, compassionate and forgiving. That person stands alone… Nobody knows that person until the time comes. Training teaches how to be that person. That person can never be beat. A true warrior is that person and that is the person I want to be. 

Today’s goal: Be that person. 

Watch this video of Edgar Albert Guest’s poem, The Proof of Worth