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Taka wa uete mo ho wo tsuibamazu
The hawk, though hungry, will not peck at the ears of grain

Warriors train themselves to live their lives ethically. We decide and care about how we get to live our lives and so it’s our job alone to see it through. Usually, nobody really cares whether we are good or bad or honest or dishonest. Martial artists care because they know that actions demonstrate character. 10 years ago, a golfer named Brian Davis was in the running to win the Heritage Classic golf tournament. Davis had been runner up four times before and this would have been his first tour title win in 169 tries. With extraordinary play, Davis forced a sudden death playoff. Playing out of a hazard it is illegal to move any loose impediment. As Davis readied himself and sized up his shot, he accidentally moved a loose reed in his take back. Nobody knew it and Davis might have gotten away with it but instead he called himself for a penalty and lost the match. It’s said, “Integrity is the trait that ensures all others.” Nobody would have known, but Davis would know. Every day in training, we get the opportunity to improve our character. Showing up for class, not giving into fear, standing up for ourselves or being honest demonstrates some aspect of our character. Likewise, being a bully, being selfish or being dishonest speaks to our true character as well. When discussing budo, Furuya Sensei once said, “Although I’m just a human being I want to model myself after the sword, always straight, always true and very decisive. Something that doesn’t have an outer obvious strength that we look for today, but something that has an inner strength which is hard to see unless you really know it and really can appreciate it.” Martial artist training teaches us how to take the higher road even if it’s harder. The hawk doesn’t give up its dignity despite being hungry. Similarly, a true warrior has honor and would rather die than live dishonestly.  

Today’s goal: White lies become big lies and lead to failure. Can you be completely honest today?