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Happy Birthday Reverend Kensho Furuya Sensei. Today would have been your 72nd birthday.

“Those that leave their teachers early will feel a great deal of regret in their later years. They will say, ‘Too bad I didn't study harder and learn a little more from them!’ or ‘Too bad I didn't stay with that teacher much longer and learn more.’ or ‘Too bad they are no longer here.’ If we think this, it is already too late! As long as I have studied with some of my teachers for so many years, I still miss them very much! And even with this, I think that I should have studied much more. When we find a good teacher don't lose them. They are like treasures and you will always regret it later. I am not talking as a teacher now, I am talking as another old, long time student…” - Rev. Kensho Furuya