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A good warrior never blinks. A good warrior is supposed to always be balanced which means they are focused and alert, but also calm and relaxed. We see this balance demonstrated in not only their posture and demeanor but also in the state of their eyes. Miyamoto Musashi referred to this when he said, “Do not roll your eyes nor allow them to blink, but slightly narrow them.” It might seem unreasonable to think that a person could somehow keep themselves from blinking, but this is just an adage that is supposed to remind us to develop a spirit which is not easily perturbed. Being imperturbable means that we are not easily distracted or surprised. It is said that, “The eyes are the windows to our s0ul” and so our eyes can reveal the extent of our inner state of being and our true level of inner development. When we have reached a certain level of training or development then our minds become calm and balanced and this is apparent in our eyes which have a sense of quietness and are narrower with whites that are mainly visible on the sides of the iris. The calmer and more poised we are then we are less apt to be distracted or surprised and thus a good warrior doesn’t blink easily. Today, it can be difficult to keep our poise in the face of adversity, but this is part of our training. Furuya Sensei said, “The only proof that we have mastered Aikido or, at least, have begun to understand its principles, is the degree to which we have incorporated it into our lives.” Keep calm, stay focused and don’t blink, no matter what happens.

Today’s goal: When something good or bad happens, take a breath, relax your jaw and narrow your gaze and try not to blink.