
Shoshin wasuru bekarazu (初心忘るべからず) or “don’t forget your original intention” is an admonishment to the person who follows the Way to always to be resolute. The word intention means “on purpose.” When we set an intention, we are really setting a purpose. To go forward purposefully is then a choice. Thus, we are choosing to be, do or act a certain way. Every morning when we open our eyes, we should set an intention and then remember that resolution throughout the day. People like US Navy Admiral William McRaven advocated that we “Make our beds every day” and Furuya Sensei suggested that we “Handle our weapons every day” because doing those things help to reinforce an idea and set us up for success. When we set an intention and constantly remember it throughout the day, we are using positive self-talk and creating a cycle that can change our mindsets and thus change our lives. Setting an intention from an Aikido standpoint is really just centering ourselves. In order to be centered, we must be calm and thus remembering our intention is a way to calm ourselves down. On average, we must do something 21 times in a row for it to become a habit. So, we can see that if we miss even one day then the counter restarts. Our success is primarily up to us. Every morning set your intention so that you can become the person you want to be. Likewise, shoshin wasuru bekarazu  or don’t forget to remind yourself throughout the day, so that you don’t forget where it is you want to go.

Today’s goal: Think about something you want to do, become or change. Create a 3- 5 word intention and read it out loud every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed.