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Throwback Thursday

Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on November 18, 2005.

Everyone today is so busy. In Japanese, the word for “busy” is “isogashii.” Isogashii is written in Japanese as 忙しい. This word is written with an interesting kanji or Chinese character and I think it shows how wise the ancients were.  For the word, “busy," it is written as a compound of the words “heart” or “mind” (心) and “dead” or “dying” (亡). Putting together these words, to be isogashii or busy means that we have a dying or dead heart. For Aikido, it means that we have no time to put our “ki” (氣) energy into what we are doing - we are isogashii or “dying hearts.” So our movements and actions will have no heart at all. Please take the time to put energy into your hearts and your Aikido.