Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on April 14, 2002. 

From Bushido to Mogido: Bushido (武士道) means the "way of the Warrior," or the samurai code which stood for courage, duty, patience and loyalty. It was these qualities which made the warrior what they were and it was these qualities which made them great martial artists as well. Nowadays, we do not talk about the "Way of the Warrior" or Bushido. Nowadays, we follow Mogido (没義道) or "The Way of No Shame." Occasionally, such as the other day, I meet old friends who still aspire to the Samurai way and it makes me feel good. Perhaps, these ideas may seem dated and outmoded to most and maybe they are not relevant in today's world. Yet, I find great comfort in these qualities and still I want to see them in my students. Indeed, another name for the way of the warrior is the "way of humanity” and ultimately, it is through the way of the warrior that we become true humans in the world.