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“We are fortunate that we belong to a big dojo with many fine teachers and students to practice with. Not only for ourselves, but these students and teachers, have their own seniors and on and on. We are fortunate because we are in a continuous line of people giving and bringing up the next generation and sharing with those who are less fortunate and more isolated from such learning resources. Who owns what, and what can you charge for this? We are only giving back what we have been given. When we think of ‘me,’ there can be no discipline or order in one’s life. When we think of others, only then will compassion and giving be born.” - Rev. Kensho Furuya

It was encouraging news yesterday that the coronavirus is beginning to trend downward and things will start opening back up again, but that doesn’t mean that things will immediately go back to normal. A famous Japanese proverb is “Katte kara kabuto no o wo shime yo” which means “After victory, tighten your helmet.” This adage reminds us to be vigilant and to take care despite the recent improvements. There are still many people and organizations who have fought the good fight these past 10 or so months but are still struggling. It would be nice if we all looked in on our favorite, restaurants, businesses and nonprofits and see if they need support.   

Give what you can. Some can give a lot while others can only give their support. Having the spirit or intention matters more than “what” we give. 

Please help out others if you can. Today, we release Volume Nine of Furuya Sensei’s Art of Aikido Video series. We hope that you are enjoying Sensei’s video series. 

As part of Giving Tuesday, please donate to your favorite charity or social program. The Aikido Center of Los Angeles and the Furuya Foundation support these charitable organizations to name a few: 

Little Tokyo Service Center 

Terasaki Budokan

Zenshuji Soto Mission 

Higashi Hongwanji 

Nishi Hongwanji