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“Oddly, in this world, we receive more when we are giving to others than when we are taking for ourselves or just thinking of ourselves. Humans were born with the natural instinct to feed themselves and put food into our own mouths.
When we learned how to feed others, our fellow man, it was the beginning of wisdom and compassion.” 
- Rev. Kensho Furuya

Happy 2021

This year seems to be a continuation of last year as the cases in Los Angeles County are at an all time high. I read a headline yesterday, “LA County is the most dangerous place in the US.” It is easy given the situation to contract and become insular. However, Aikido does not follow the norm. In all Aikido techniques, the first thing we do in the face of confrontation is expand or extend our energy. This enables us to greet confrontation with harmony or compassion. In doing so, we are able to bring light to the world and change something negative into something positive. 

Please help out others if you can. Everyone can do something. Today, we release Volume Six of Furuya Sensei’s Art of Aikido Video series. We hope that you are enjoying Sensei’s video series. 

As part of Giving Tuesday, please donate to your favorite charity or social program. The Aikido Center of Los Angeles and the Furuya Foundation support these charitable organizations to name a few: 

Little Tokyo Service Center 

Terasaki Budokan

Zenshuji Soto Mission 

Higashi Hongwanji 

Nishi Hongwanji