To do the right thing at the right time

The best martial artist strives for ouhennouryoku (応変能力) or “to do the right thing at the right time.” Learning a martial art can be difficult. Typically, we learn things by listening, watching or doing. However, in the martial arts, there are many different levels and way too many moving parts and so just watching or listening might not be good enough. In the martial arts, there is one more way of learning called ishin denshin (以心伝心) or “heart to heart transmission.” The western equivalent to ishin denshin is when two minds think alike. This type of learning or connection is very apparent when the teacher is demonstrating a technique in front of the class. Usually, the teacher will not tell the uke how to attack. This is a test of the uke’s level of development and their connection with the teacher. If the student attacks with the correct attack, then the teacher and the student are thought to be on the same wavelength or of one mind and the student’s level is considered very high. If the student attacks with the incorrect attack, it means that the student needs more training. Achieving this seemingly psychic link begins with the student’s yaruki (遣氣) or “willingness” to learn. Willingness is the lengths that we are prepared to go to in order to get good and so willingness is an attitude. When we have a willing attitude, then there is nothing that we cannot learn and through learning we are able to know what the right thing is and the right time to do it. Later on, this willing attitude crosses over into our off-the-mat life as well and we are able to do the right thing at the right time in everything that we do. A martial artist strives to do the right thing at the right time because in doing so it demonstrates their true level of ability. 

Today’s goal: What are you willing to do or not do to get good? 

Watch this episode of the Aiki Dojo Podcast to better understand the role of the student in traditional training.