True peace

Is Aikido defensive or offensive? This is probably the second most asked question by prospective students behind “How long does it take to get a black belt?” By the look on their faces, they always hate it when I answer, “Both.” Actually, Aikido is a complete martial art which is balanced equally between both offense and defense. In Japanese, inyowago (陰陽和合) is “a person who’s yin and yang energies are in balance” which alludes to a person being at peace or balanced. It is easy to think that from some author’s interpretations of O’Sensei’s writings that Aikido should only be defensive. However, from a yin/yang (in/yo in Japanese) point of view, everything in life has to have balance or in this case be neither solely light or dark but contain an element of both offense or defense in each aspect. In the latest episode of our podcast, a listener wanted to know how something aggressive like irimi (入り身) or “moving in” could exist in O’Sensei’s Art of Peace. What I tried to illustrate is that true peace is actually a state of mind more than an action like being offensive or defensive and that true peace requires a balance. Aggressiveness in this sense exists in order to balance out passivity and so the mindset of an Aikidoist should be somewhere closer to the middle between calmness and aggressiveness. Author Shatrujeet Nath explained it nicely when he wrote, “The universe is all about balance. The forces of light and darkness are meant to keep a check on one another. If one becomes too powerful and starts overrunning the other, that balance will be upset. For the tyranny of virtue is as unbearable as the stranglehold of vice.” To think about Aikido in terms of offense or defense is too shallow. An Aikidoist has to have a mindset in which both elements exist but in equilibrium. Aikido is a complete martial art and thus it is much deeper than merely labeling it as offensive or defensive. Aikido is the Art of Peace, but the art that we are trying to cultivate is ourselves as we learn to be at peace and refine ourselves into true human beings. Therefore, the peace that we seek is more about our state of minds rather than the actions of our bodies. Is Aikido offensive or defensive? Hmm, both. 

Today’s goal: Try and cultivate a true peace mindset regardless of what is happening around you.  

Watch or listen to this episode of the Aiki Dojo Podcast to better understand what the Art of Peace means