
Throwback Thursday - What is True Practice?

Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on March 4, 2003.

I know that people put a lot of energy into getting their black belts - of course, it is everyone’s goal and of course, we should put efforts into developing our skills. It makes perfect sense.

What I would like my students to know is that True Practice is not simply to get stronger and is not simply to get their black belts. Aikido practice goes far beyond this - much farther.

Coming to practice each day - one learns commitment and perseverance. Trying hard to understand the techniques and what is being taught - one learns to develop their awareness and depth of perception. Practicing with various students in class - one learns the importance of getting along with others and working together in harmony. Following the teacher's instructions - one learns the difference between right and wrong. Cleaning the dojo after practice - one learns responsibility and a caring heart. Keeping one's uniform clean and in good repair - one learns the value of our daily lives - whoever we are. Trying to follow O'Sensei's teachings - one learns about virtue and wisdom. All of these are far more important than a belt color but there is no reward for all of this.

This is the meaning of spiritual training - everything is from within. By devoting yourself in this way, you will somehow be rewarded - but in a way that no one will know or see or recognize. You will never get a black belt for it, but please trust me in this! This is true practice and this is what I look for in my students.