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The Aiki Dojo 2 Minute Technique - Shomenuchi Ura

Ken Watanabe Sensei, Aikido 6th Dan, Iaido 5th Dan discusses shomenuchi  ura (正面打ち裏) or “moving behind when someone strikes you.” Shomenuchi is an overhead or straight strike to the head or face. Shomenuchi is based on the overhead cut of a sword. Thus, one cannot retreat or move away from the strike or attempt to block it. Aikidoists move forward into the strike and we call this irimi. One can move in front of the attacker or “omote” but also behind them or “ura.” In this video, we are covering ura or “Moving behind or to the rear of the attacker.” 

Let us know if you want us to do a full length video on this or any other topic.

Sometimes there's no time to read a lengthy message or watch a long documentary. So we've created these quick and easy 2 minute techniques to help you improve your Aikido technique and knowledge. Keep an eye out for them every Wednesday. 
