
Throwback Thursday - A Little Patience

Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on February 11, 2005. 

Tenteki ga ishi wo ugatsu
Even a drop of water can pierce a stone.

If we go to the seashore, we can see rocks that have been smoothed by the ocean waves. In the mountains, we can see rocks that have been spilt in two by moisture. Although one tiny drop of water can do nothing to a hard stone but one drop after another - drop after drop - we can easily see the results.

In practice, it is impossible to see any real results in one or two classes. But by taking class after class, after a while, our progress will be quite noticeable. Just like tiny rain drops hitting against a huge rock, our practice will only be clear after a while. The only thing you need to get good is to be committed to a regular training schedule and to have a little patience.