
The true martial artist is loyal. The seven virtues of bushido are: Justice (義 gi), Courage (勇 yu), Benevolence (仁 jin), Respect (禮 rei), Honesty (誠 makoto),  Honor (名誉 meiyo) and Loyalty (忠義 chugi). Loyalty is the last trait because it is the trait which proves all others. It is said that a martial artist is supposed to have chuyumuso (忠勇無双) or “peerless loyalty and bravery.” The character for loyalty is 忠 and is made up of the characters for inner (中) and heart (心). One can posit that true loyalty is something which reveals one’s true inner heart. Loyalty is one of those things that everyone claims to have but will only be truly revealed in times of hardship. The famous Noh play Hachi no ki (鉢木) is based upon loyalty. The story begins with a monk who is lost in a snowstorm and happens upon the meager residence of Tsuneyo Genzayemon who was formerly a samurai employed by the Shogun but lost his position because of a relative’s embezzlement. Tsuneyo and his wife are hesitant but end up offering the monk their meager accommodations and give him a poor peasants’ meal of boiled millet. To provide heat, Tsuneyo, with Buddhist resignation, burns his last three potted bonsai trees. The monk listens silently as Tsuneyo tells his story of suffering and poverty, and his long-held loyalty to the shogunate and his willingness to rush to Kamakura to fight for the Shogun in the case of an emergency if need be. Six months later, we find that the monk actually had been Tokiyori Hojo, the retired Shogun who had been traveling in disguise. Impressed with Tsuneyo’s kindness, and wanting to test his claims of loyalty, Tokiyori spreads a rumor from the capital city of Kamakura that war is imminent and puts up a conscription notice. Many soldiers assemble ready to protect the Shogun mounted upon fattened steeds with grooms beside them. Tsuneyo is there also, by himself, in worn-out armor with a rusty sword, and leading an emaciated horse. Moved by the old man’s proven loyalty, Tokiyori rewards the impoverished samurai by restoring him to his former position and giving him back his lands. Loyalty is the trait which proves all others because true loyalty, like in Tsuneyo story, is only really revealed in hardship. The virtues can all be faked up to a certain point, but loyalty requires a hard choice. We can take the easy route and choose ourselves and cut and run or choose the harder path like Tsuneyo and stay and fight. Who are we when we think that nobody is looking or when we think that nobody will find out? In the end, hardship will reveal what is truly in our hearts and that is why a true martial artist is loyal.

Today’s goal: When nobody’s looking, what do you choose to do?  

Watch this video interview with Santiago Almaraz Sensei of Salamanca Aikikai - Kodokai dojo. Almaraz Sensei is Furuya Sensei’s most loyal student.