Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on April 29, 2003. 

A samurai is a warrior from feudal Japan which began in the early 11th century and ended in 1868 with the restoration of Emperor Meiji to the throne and Japan once again became a monarchy. During this feudal period, Japan was under feudal warlords occupying their territories and who employed warriors to serve them. These warriors were called "samurai," which comes from the Japanese word samurau (侍) meaning "to serve.” The noun form of this word is "samurai" meaning "one who serves (a feudal lord)" or "warrior." Martial artists today practice the modern versions of fighting systems the ancient warriors or samurai utilized on the battlefield. Today, martial arts not only includes the Japanese fighting systems used by these warriors of long ago but many other modern fighting systems and disciplines from many other countries. To be a samurai means that one must be devoted to their work, be dutiful to all of their friends, filial to their parents, humane to all living creatures, and be wise and strong. It means that they must value honor and respect above all else. A samurai never lies or cheats or is lazy. Finally, in everything a samurai does, they give 100% of their mind, body and spirit to it - this is what a samurai “is.” In daily life, we should practice this focus in every single moment of the day - even when we are asleep!