Throwback Thursday - Remain True

Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on August 2, 2003.

Viewing the flowing waters - suddenly, I perceive the Essence of Zen! - Zen poem

Water changes according to its immediate circumstances but it never changes its Nature and always remains true to itself.

The wooden ladle for the tea ceremony or hishaku (柄杓) continually goes from the hot water to the cold water but never changes its Nature and is useful in any and all of its changing circumstances.

This, I think, is what we are searching for in Aikido and in our lives.

Photo: From a late 90s photo shoot at Black Belt Magazine for Furuya Sensei's book The Tao of Aikido which never came out. Uke: David Ito

Watch this video of Furuya Sensei explaining and demonstrating Aikido in 1988