Teki wo shiriono wo shireba hyakusen ayaukarazu
Know your enemy, know thyself, and you shall not fear a hundred battles

A good martial artist isn’t scared of anything. I’m not talking about not being scared from a foolish standpoint because one thinks that they can beat people up. In a martial arts sense, I mean not allowing fear to overtake our inner composure. Martial artists are not impervious, indestructible, or invincible. In fact, they are human beings just like everyone else, but they have learned to have courage. Mark Twain said, “Courage is not the lack of fear. It is acting in spite of it.” Thus, having courage in a martial arts context means having strong inner composure regardless of the opponent or situation and having the wherewithal to act even if one is afraid. A normal person has something called fuuseikakurei (風声鶴唳) where they “hear the enemy in every leaf that rustles” and become scared at the slightest thing. To become frightened means that our Ki has become upset or ki ga dotensuru (氣が動転する). Conversely, having composure means that our Ki is calm or heiki (平氣). Martial arts training teaches us to be calm and composed and always do our best no matter what comes. Through training, we realize that all foes are the same regardless of size, demeanor, or fierceness. That is because in training, we realize that the real opponent is ourselves and the only true task is keeping ourselves calm in the face of adversity. That is why O’Sensei advocated masakatsu agatsu (正勝吾勝) or that “the true victory is self-victory.” Having inner calm is not something that always comes as second nature. Some people have to learn it and it can be learned. One way to learn it is to seek out those who are bigger, stronger or cause us fear in class; for they are the ones who will teach us how to stand firm. With every knock down, hit and stand back up, we become firmer and firmer and over time we develop not just thicker skin but the heart of a warrior. It is not that martial artists don’t get scared - they do and only a fool or a liar says otherwise. A person with a true martial artist’s heart doesn’t allow themselves to be overtaken by the fear. Nelson Mandela said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Martial artists are always supposed to be calm, composed and centered and they never let themselves be overtaken by fear and that’s why a good martial artist isn’t scared of anything.  Have a safe and happy halloween!

Today’s goal: “Don't shrink. Don't puff up. Stand your sacred ground.” - Author Brené Brown

Watch this Brene Brown video to better understand fear