時に遇えば 鼠も虎となる
Toki ni aeba nezumi mo tora to naru 
When the time comes, even a mouse can become a tiger

Happy Lunar New Year! 

To the best warriors, timing is everything. Today is the Lunar New Year and the beginning of the year of the Tiger. The tiger is supposed to be a very auspicious symbol in Asian culture and is a symbol of strength, military prowess, vitality and growth. The tiger motif was very popular with the samurai who wanted to have the strength and courage of a tiger on the battlefield. Before a battle, some samurai would write the kanji character for tora (虎) or “tiger” with one finger on the other palm of their hand and then swallow it. By swallowing the tiger, they hoped that it would give them the “power of a tiger” on the battlefield. Not only does the tiger symbolize courage and prowess, but when paired with a dragon, it is also supposed to bring about the blessings of prosperity and peace. One of the most important things in Aikido and in life is timing. It is said that those who can control spacing, and timing will dictate the outcome of the battle. Spacing and timing are interconnected. If we can control timing, we will have a command of the spacing. If we can dictate the timing, we usually control the spacing. Thus, if we can control spacing and timing, then we are most likely undefeatable. Therefore, when is the best time to do something? Now. Things are starting to change and as we can see from the symbology of the tiger, they are changing in our favor. The Japanese proverb toranoo wo fumu (虎の尾を踏む) translates as “stepping on a tiger’s tail” but it’s supposed to mean to “do something dangerous and to take a risk.” Therefore, now is the time to show your mettle. The best time is always now and that’s why timing is everything to the best warriors. 

I wish you all the best in 2022!

Today’s goal: What have you been putting off until now? Now is the time. 

Watch this video to better understand the tiger.