A good martial artist always goes forward. In the martial arts, we are always susumeru (進める) or trying to “advance forward” toward our opponents. In Aikido, we always focus our energy forward even when we tenshin (転身) or “move backwards.” The other day in Aikido class, Watanabe Sensei said, “In tenshin movement, even though we are physically moving backwards, mentally we should always be going forward.” In the beginning of our training, our forwardness is primarily focused on the physical. However, the more experienced we become, the more our forwardness becomes mental or how we direct our energy. Years ago, Furuya Sensei and I were cleaning out a closet when we came upon a box of foam swords. Jokingly, when my back was turned, Sensei bonked me on the head. Later, in retaliation, I tried to hit him when his back was turned away while he was looking through a box of magazines. Without looking up from his box, he drew his foam sword and lightly poked me in the chin as I rose to hit him. Shocked, I said, “I guess that’s why you’re the teacher.” In response, he just lectured me for wasting time. The best warriors have no suki (隙) or “openings” for attack. They have no openings because regardless of the direction they are moving or facing, their energy is focused in the direction of their opponent. In the Hagakure, Yamamoto Tsunetomo wrote: “When meeting calamities or difficult situations, it is not enough to simply say that one is not at all flustered. When meeting difficult situations, one should dash forward bravely and with joy. It is the crossing of a single barrier and is like the saying, ‘The more the water, the higher the boat.’” Therefore, regardless of the adversity or obstacle, a martial artist should always be intentionally and agreeably moving forward. Marcus Aurelius said, “the obstacle is the way” and so we should be grateful for the lessons that adversity brings us and move forward to greet them. In life and in the martial arts, we should always be moving forward physically and mentally and that’s why a good martial artist always goes forward.

Today’s goal: What can you do to keep your body, energy and focus moving forward?  

Watch this Kendo video to better understand how kendoist move forward.