The sole reliance on simple determination when fighting an overwhelming foe 

A good martial artist believes in the power of sooner or later. After joining a dojo, the second biggest hurdle that every student encounters is learning how to roll and facing basophobia or “the fear of falling.” The interesting thing about rolling is that people can show us how to do it or exhaustively explain it to us, but we can only really learn it by doing it over and over. Rolling is just one of those things that just gets better with time and repetition. Initially, most of us just start rolling like a square and loudly hit our heads, bang our shoulders, or smash our hips. However, at some point sooner or later, our roll almost magically improves and becomes smooth and quiet and even somewhat enjoyable. This breakthrough moment kind of just happens one day and occurs not only with rolling but in every Aikido technique as well. The poet Rumi said, “Everything in the universe is within you.” One way to think about a breakthrough is based upon Innatism which states that “the mind is already born with ideas, knowledge and beliefs.” The knowledge of things like rolling are stored deep down inside and so a breakthrough is just the unlocking or release of our innate knowledge. Thus, how is our innate knowledge released? Through repetition and by believing in the power of sooner or later. The power of sooner or later states that as long as we keep going, then sooner or later we will prevail. Sooner or later is about having ishikengo (意志堅固) or “determination.” Determination which is the single greatest asset any warrior can have in life and in Aikido. Determination is one of those skills which cannot be taught but anyone can learn. How do we learn it? We learn determination by being steadfast in action and by adopting the mindset of sooner or later. Everything we need to know is contained inside of us and that’s why a good martial artist always thinks “sooner or later, I will prevail” and never gives up. 

Today’s goal: What in life do you need to apply the sooner or later mindset to?

Watch this informational video about how if you start to exercise, sooner or later you will get into shape.