Throwback Thursday - Mindfulness

Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on May 2, 2002.

Mindfulness means to "pay attention," - paying attention carefully to everything that we do and think is paying attention to the world at large. . . . .

In a dojo, practice to be aware of everything around you. Practice paying attention to ourselves and what we are doing and thinking in every moment. Then practice paying attention to what our spouse or significant other is saying very carefully and what our children are doing and saying to us. Then pay attention to our co-workers and boss at work and everyone around us. Then pay attention to everything, everywhere in every moment, when walking, sitting, working, eating, talking and even sleeping. I feel that as a student gains a strong sense of awareness or sensitivity to themselves and everything around them in every moment, this profound and wonderful concept of harmony in Aikido will emerge and become clear to them. This idea of harmony which is the single principle and the basis of all Aikido movement and techniques.

Watch this vide of Furuya Sensei demonstrating in 1991