Warriors never go back on their word
- Japanese proverb

Happy Birthday, Michael Stinson! Michael was a student at our dojo who passed away just prior to the beginning of the pandemic. Yesterday, we were finally able to gather and spread Michael’s ashes into the ocean and lay him to rest. I use Michael a lot as a teaching tool to help my students understand things like being present, having awareness, or how to better understand mental health. As I drove to the beach, I reflected about not only his life, but his passing as well. Then it struck me, “Do I really live all the lessons that I say about him?” Sometimes as teachers, we lecture about things like being present to help students deepen their training experience but then turn around and do just the opposite. Acting contrary to what we are teaching isn’t usually malicious; it’s just human nature to forget but how much we are living our integrity demonstrates our true level. A warrior on the other hand isn’t supposed to forget and is supposed to have integrity which means never allowing for gaps between what they say and what they do. In Japanese, the proverb which supports this is bushininigonnashi (武士に二言なし) or “Warriors never go back on their word.” This is integrity. Someone once said, “Integrity is the value which insures all others.” When we act with integrity, what we say will be congruent with what we do or how we act. Sometimes, we are just talking to talk, talking to fill a void or just saying things to get people to like us. A true warrior does none of these because they know that they will be held to their word. Living with integrity is not an overnight thing. Like almost all the concepts in the martial arts, they are difficult to live and take years of practice in order to fully inculcate them into our lives. Michael’s life was cut short because he wasn’t able to see how much he meant to so many others around him, but isn’t that most of us? Michael’s passing also teaches us that life is short and not to waste ours, but don’t we all take our lives for granted? Warriors don’t have the luxury of duplicity and going back on their word. Living with integrity means that I must not forget to live the lessons that Michael’s life and passing have taught me. Bushininigonnashi. Happy birthday, Michael. 

Today’s goal: Live your life with integrity - follow through on the things that you say you will do.

Watch this video to better understand integrity