“The undisturbed mind is like a calm body of water reflecting the brilliance of the moon. Empty the mind and you will realize the undisturbed mind.” Yagyu Jubei

The best martial artists understand the ripple effect. Martial artists recognize that every action carries consequences and repercussions. While ordinary people may struggle to see beyond their immediate needs and self-interest, martial artists stand apart in their understanding of the ripple effect or hakyuukouka (波及効果). The ripple effect occurs “when there’s an initial disturbance to a system which propagates outward to disturb an increasingly larger portion of the system, like ripples expanding across the water when an object is dropped into it.” With this understanding, a skilled martial artist remains mindful of their words, actions, and thoughts, knowing that positivity fosters positivity and negativity breeds negativity. There is a tendency for people to bring the outside world into the dojo so that they can “workout” their frustrations physically. On a superficial level, this is harmless as they work it out on someone or something. The problem with doing it in a dojo is that we are working it out on others and so our actions can have repercussions. For instance, let's say we crank someone’s wrist a little too hard as we are getting out our frustrations. Afterwards, that person resents us and wants their revenge - first repercussion. Later that night, our partner can’t sleep because their wrist hurts - second repercussion. The next morning, they are grumpy and yell at their spouse or kids - third repercussion. That afternoon, they can’t type well because their wrist is injured, and they are also tired from not sleeping the night before and they screw up a big presentation - fourth repercussion. After talking with their spouse about it, they realize that martial arts training is impacting them negatively and decide to quit - fifth repercussion. This ripple keeps going on and on and it all began with our decision to let out our frustrations in the dojo. Conversely, let's say we don’t try to take out our frustrations on others and just have the intention to train hard and have a good class. This intention has a positive ripple effect and creates positive repercussions like camaraderie, weight loss, or any other benefit from exercise and is compounded by nobody quitting. The ripples that we create go unseen and reach farther than we will ever know. The difference between a normal person and a martial artist is that a martial artist is aware that their actions have consequences and repercussions. Understanding this, a martial artist tries their best to mind their actions, choices, and words so as to minimize their negative impact on others. In everything we do in the martial arts and in life, we must be mindful that we have the power to affect the lives of everyone around us. None of us exists in a vacuum and, like dropping a pebble in a pond, everything we do has consequences and repercussions.

Today’s goal: Be mindful because you have the power to make someone’s life better.

Watch this video to better understand the ripple effect