Aiki Dojo Message: Fall Back Friday - The Layers of Practice

Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on March 26, 2005.

Usually, we practice to develop our technique with the purpose of getting stronger and developing more expertise in Aikido. However, this is only one layer of many layers of practice. Of course, we practice hard to develop ourselves. There is another layer of practice where we must emphasize harmony in practice and learning to get along with others and working together in a friendly way. And yet there is another layer where we emphasize the form and rules in the practice to mold ourselves within the spirit of Aikido. And yet, at another level, there is the question of how we bring our Aikido into our daily lives and materialize the Aikido teachings in thought and action.

When you think about it, these are all obvious aspects of our Aikido training. Yet, how we realize all of this together in our practice takes a lifetime of study. Please devote yourself to correct practice.

Read more about Furuya Sensei here:

Watch this video of Furuya Sensei being interviewed on Fox 11 News