The best Aikidoists are open and vulnerable to the possibilities of what can be.

No one knows what will come next. Normal people think in terms of abunage (危な氣) or “the possibilities of danger.” With this type of eye, they are on the lookout for people, things, or situations which can cause them harm. Thinking this way unknowingly creates negativity to come to them. This is because according to the universal law of Cause and Effect, negativity will in turn come to us because “like begets like.”

Aikidoist are not average people. An Aikidoist is supposed to be a person who not only sees the world as a glass that is half full, but they are also supposed to be open and vulnerable to its possibilities. Aikidoists don’t see the person standing in front of them as an “enemy” because seeing someone that way causes us to see them negatively and as we create negative outcomes for them, it in turn brings us negativity.

Henry Ford said, “If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.” To learn Aikido is to learn to see that there are other possibilities out there other than the ones we usually think. Thus, Aikidoists are trying to see things a different way. For instance, the person who forgets to give us our change at the supermarket isn’t a thief or incompetent. They might be, but they also might be focusing on something else like a sick child at home, a term paper due tomorrow, or a thousand other things other than us. When we can see past ourselves, then the person standing in front of us is not our enemy. To them, we may not even exist as their minds or hearts are elsewhere. Understanding this, perhaps then we should give them grace instead of destruction.

When we start to see things differently, then we can look for potentiality. Potentiality is the “latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.” The key word is “latent.” In Japanese, one way to say “potentiality” is sokojikara (底力). Sokojikara is intended to mean “potentiality” or “real strength” but its direct translation is “deep” or “hidden” “power.” Thinking about this, one can hypothesize that real power comes from the depths of being able to see possibilities.

In class, things will happen which trigger our conditioned responses. Most times, we react the same way no matter where we are, who it is, or what happens. Like when we blow up at the cashier at the supermarket when they make a mistake. How we usually respond, good or bad, is based upon how we have been conditioned. Some people are cool and nothing bothers them. Others blow up at even the smallest perceived slight. This conditioned response is what Aikido training is trying to develop upon. You might think change might be a better word, but change presupposes that our conditioned response is bad. No, it is the baseline that we are trying to evolve from and in order to evolve, we don’t try to eradicate it but rather strive to understand it, accept it, and move forward from it.

In Aikido and in life, things will happen, mostly untoward. The best Aikidoist trains themselves to give grace rather than destruction. In order to do that we need to see all the potentialities. So, instead of getting mad and exploding on that person, we can ask ourselves, “How else COULD I react?” If we can see the other possibilities, then other ways exist and then so does the possibility of change. The best Aikidoist learns to see rather than to react because they know that the possibilities are endless.

Today’s goal: Be open and vulnerable to the possibilities of what can be.

Watch this video of Sadguru talking about possibilities