Flashback Friday: Please enjoy this article Furuya Sensei posted to his Yahoo group on September 23, 2004.
In Aikido, one of the greatest skills to develop is to be able to think clearly and assess the situation without bias - this is essential to act correctly and do the right thing to protect one's self and others. This is one reason why, in traditional martial arts, they continually talk about mushin or "no mind" which really means "unbiased mind" or "clear mind." Today, we don't realize how important it is to think clearly.
When you ask a question, please think. When I answer you, I think long and hard before I answer so that I can give people the best answer. I look at everything from the standpoint of training. I am not concerned with my popularity or the politics or what I can do to buy your favor.
As much as I consider my answer to you, you must consider the question you ask and what the answer means. This is the simple basic, process of learning and education.
Just to ask me questions to satisfy a passing curiosity or to gossip does no one any good at all.
Some people ask me questions and I immediately realize that they have not been paying attention.
Endless discussion about this and that and how much of this really pertains to your practice? How much of the questions you ask really will help you with your understanding of what you do during training?
Looking at how one handles their sword, we can immediately determine their skill before they even draw it. When a student bows into the mat before practice, one can quickly tell where their mind is. By the questions some people ask, one can immediately tell where this is going.
Please remember that this group as well as my Daily Message is an extension of my dojo and I am here to teach you Aikido. Please pay attention, as you would in class. . . . Oops! I shouldn't say that - Please pay good attention more than you usually do. Pay attention like you are facing a lion (I am just a pussycat, really) who will leap and attack you if you make the wrong move!
Hahah! Have a good day today!