Where we go, we go alone.
You can lead a horse to water...
We've all heard that one. True budo is a singular adventure because the Way is really a journey within. Nobody can do it for us and we can't do it for anyone other than ourselves. Gambatte! Gambatte means to do nothing more than our best. To be the best one only has to their best.
Our work has to be done by us. Teachers guide us and friends are there to support us, but any work that gets done, only gets done by us.
Take heart, have courage and be strong because although the battle is long and hard, it is worth it. The only way to get better is to never ever quit. You will get beaten and you will be discourage but never give up hope. It is not the strong who prevail but the one with heart who strives and never gives up. Gambatte!
And the battle within rages on...