Even monkeys fall out of tress so nobody's perfect.
This is one of my favorite kotowaza or Japanese proverbs and one that I use all the time. I usually direct it toward myself and rarely direct it towards others. It is one of those things I use to keep myself going when I make a mistake or are a little down about something that didn't go my way.
The idea that anything or any person is perfect is a complete and utter fallacy. I wish that perfect was attainable, but sadly it is not. Nothing and no one is perfect. Sorry, hopefully I didn't ruin it for you. Perfection is a road and not a destination. It is something we strive toward but never achieve. As I become more of an adult or grown up (yikes!) I am starting to see a shift in myself in which I am starting to understand that perfection is a myth. It is hard because for most of my life I have been an over, over, over achiever. Maybe now that I have two children of my own I will be able to embrace that sometimes even monkeys fall out of trees. Well there is always tomorrow.