The teachers at this school can be somewhat demanding at times and some might even be a bit overbearing when it comes to how the techniques are being learned.  This can be difficult for some students to endure, but it might be useful to understand the impetus.  You see our teacher was a very harsh disciplinarian despite what you may have seen of him on TV or what you might read that he wrote.  Sensei prescribed to an age old theory that is actually surfacing today in modern athletic training: perfect pays and sloppy stays, practice makes permanent. The theory is that whatever we do we should do it as perfectly as we can because whether it is perfect or sloppy it will become habit.  As we all know, bad habits are easy to get into but hard to get out of and good habits are hard to get into and easy to fall out of.  So this is where the instructors' constant reinforcement comes into play.  They are trying their best to stem the tide of the student's bad habit before they set in.  This can seem callous, cold-hearted or unkind, but it is quite the opposite.  Sensei used to tell us all the time, "If I didn't care, I would say nothing."  So their constant berating and criticism is really compassion.  Compassion?  Yes, compassion.  Telling you when you are wrong is the highest form of compassion because you hear what you need and not what you want.  One of my students once told me something very significant about child rearing.  He said, "You say yes out of fear and not out of love."  The instructors criticism is no different and the burden falls on the instructors or teachers to be the bad guys.

So when you are getting criticized or corrected please remember that this hurts the teachers just as much as it hurts the student when they have to scold them, but they do it for the student's benefit because they want them to get good.