41a7WDnppFL._AA160_Suganuma Shihan's book titled Be Lively, Right Here, Right Now just came out in English.  It is a collection of his calligraphy, famous quotes and explanations on how to not only live but conduct yourself as a human being.  It is really a great book.  Suganuma Shihan is one of the foremost experts on Aikido and his Aikido is beautiful yet powerful (see below).   Suganuma Shihan and Sensei have been friends since Sensei's time at Hombu in 1969. The link below from Amazon shows it out of print but I just got mine from there. You can cut and paste the link below to purchase Suganuma Shihan's book. Suganuma Shihan on the left.  Furuya Sensei on the right.

