Sensei was always lonely around the holidays.  I thought that it might be nice to post one of his post Christmas thoughts in homage to him.  Enjoy! Originally posted to the Daily Message by Sensei on December 26, 2002.

Now that Christmas [is over], I guess we can get back to fighting and hating each other and doing bad things to each other.  No! I am just kidding - but sometimes it works out this way doesn't it?

We always start out with the best intentions and hopes, but they soon fall by the wayside in the face of reality, so we think.

It takes a great deal of courage and patience to stand by our beliefs and hold to our ideals, we fortify ourselves though our practice.

Today, it is simpler to take the easy way out, it is easier to make the compromise, it is easier to sell out and blame others.

As noble as it is to stick to one's ideals, you must know that you will be labeled as "hard-headed" and "incorrigible," and everyone will run away from you and you will be alone. Not an easy price to pay. Is it worth it at this price?  Only you can decide.