On this day in 1999, Nidai Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba passed away.
Aikido is now practiced by millions of people in over 130 countries. What an achievement! Most know that the spread of Aikido worldwide was primarily due to the efforts of 2nd Doshu. What most students of Aikido don't know is how hard it must have been for him. I can only imagine what it must have been like to not only follow O'Sensei but to thrive as well. Having to follow Furuya Sensei and my own struggles must pale in comparison to what 2nd Doshu had to endure.
Here is a story that Sensei used to tell about 2nd Doshu when he was an uchi-deshi at hombu dojo in 1969 just after O'Sensei passed away. 2nd Doshu was under a tremendous amount of pressure. Every where he turned someone wanted something or was threatening to breakaway. People all over the world were gossiping about him or criticizing his every move. The most common belittling thing people would say was, "He is nothing like O'Sensei." One day after Sensei overheard some Aikidoist complaining about 2nd Doshu, he became so frustrated that he confronted 2nd Doshu and said, "Why don't you defend yourself." 2nd Doshu calmly looked up at him and said, "Aikido people don't do bad things or say bad things about other people." The look on 2nd Doshu's face must have been so reassuringly calm because at that moment Sensei was awe struck and thought to himself, "What a great man."
Hearing that story always reminded me of this quote by Kisshomaru Ueshiba, "One becomes vulnerable when one stops to think about winning, losing, taking advantage, impressing or disregarding the opponent. When the mind stops, even for a single instant, the body freezes, and free, fluid movement is lost."
He truly was a great man.