
“The Art of Peace begins with you. Work on yourself and your appointed task in the Art of Peace. Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment. Foster peace in your own life and then apply the Art to all that you encounter.” - Morihei Ueshiba

On this day in 1883, the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba was born. On that day, a seed was planted which would eventually grow to become Aikido and that art form would go on to be a catalyst for change. O’Sensei often referred to Aikido as “The Art of Peace.” It may seem ridiculous to some that a martial art that by definition is designed to harm others could be a vehicle toward inner peace. What O’Sensei meant is that through training and self-cultivation, one can achieve inner peace. I, myself, am eternally grateful that O’Sensei did create Aikido. I am in no way enlightened nor have I achieved inner peace but I do have a path to follow. Every day, we are confronted and given a choice -  choose the easy way of fear, anger or hatred or the harder path of compassion and perseverance. One thing I have learned in my Aikido training is that each of us has the capacity to do great harm or great good and either way is but a single choice away. In 1930, upon seeing O’Sensei demonstrate Aikido, Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo said, “That is my ideal budo.” Some interpret this as envy or weakness, but I think, like me, Kano Sensei saw the path that he wanted for himself and for his students. Anyone can hurt or kill others, our jails are full of them. What separates man from beast is our ability to look inward, self-reflect and change. A tiger may not be able to change its stripes, but humans can change their minds and realize what is truly in their hearts. Training in Aikido enables us to become invincible. Aikido training teaches us how to achieve inner peace because we choose the path to “know” ourselves better and it is with this knowledge that we become undefeatable. That is why O’Sensei said, “fuhai no budo” (合氣道は不敗の武道) or that “Aikido is invincible.” Thank you, O’Sensei. Happy Birthday!