sensei sword.jpg

Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on July 25, 2002. 

Although one may learn to cut with a sword, the mental attitude is critically important to understand first of all. "Cutting" with a sword is NOT a good thing. It is bad - because you must take a life. It is bad because it means "killing." It is bad because it means violence. There is no way to get around this, this is the reality of the sword. The sword is a necessary evil in an imperfect world. Please do not forget this. This is why we treat the sword with great respect and awe. This is why we treat the opponent with great respect and care. One must not WANT to cut or kill. One must immerse themselves, spiritually and emotionally and physically, with a strong and deep sense of righteousness, duty and compassion. This means that we should only think about doing right, protecting others and using the sword to create a better world at this moment. If we can perfect the ultimate goal of the sword - the sword would disappear with all the violence and fighting in the world at this moment. If we cannot do this, we have no right to use the sword at all. There is a saying in Japanese found carved on the sword: "Before you draw the tempered blade, first temper and purify your own soul." (Saki yakitachi wo nukeba, masu masu masurao no kokoro wo togu bekarikeri) This is the first step to understanding the sword. Without this idea, you cannot learn it and you must not learn it. Finally, you must understand that the sword "preserves Life" not "destroys Life." This is the highest teaching of swordsmanship and without this in our minds at every moment, we will never perfect our training.