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Throwback Thursday

Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on October 24, 2002.

I often think that there are two realities. One reality is the hard facts of life that we are on our own and have to deal with life with our own bare hands in the here and now. But I think there is another reality as well. It is one which we can't touch or control, it is the reality that there are many powers and influences upon our lives which keep us well and keep us going and these come from the people and things all around us. At the same time, when we are alone, we are also not alone, there are many people here by our sides and we receive their power every minute of the day. When we try to realize love in this hard world, I think it is very difficult because it is part of the other reality. Occasionally, we can make this "cross over" where both worlds link together. Aikido is another way to link both worlds of the here and now and this other reality where we are completely at the mercy of something higher, more powerful and mysterious, and far beyond our understanding and scope. In our practice, we should learn to see both worlds as one. This is not easy and about as hard as trying to make love work. Please try your best every day anyways!