
“Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. Which cuts without wounding and
ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.

A true warrior believes in nonviolence. It takes infinitely more strength to not hurt someone than it does to hurt them. Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. Which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.” Likewise, O’Sensei said, “To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.” What both of these esteem people are illustrating is that budo at its highest level is shinmu fusatsu (真武不殺) or that “true budo does not kill.” Understanding the sacredness of each person, Aikido’s goal is to teach people how to defend themselves without the need for violence. This idea of nonviolence is more than just physical. With Aikido training, nonviolence becomes mental, emotional and spiritual and that begins with logic or dori (道理). We must first realize, as Marvin Gaye sang, that “War is not the answer” before we can begin the journey for something else. In a sense, when we  resort to violence, we have lost our minds. That is why the Japanese say, “Muri ga toreba dori ga hikkomu” (無理が通れば道理が引っ込む) or “When forced is used, reason vanishes.” Every person knows better and all of us know that violence is never the answer. It is hard to stay calm and keep our composure when we are confronted by an opponent or put in a difficult situation and that is why we need training. When we “lose our minds,” we run the risk of resorting to violence and then have to deal with all the consequences that come with our actions. It is said that “The best warriors always do the right thing at the right time” and that thing is the practice of nonviolence. Dr. King said, “The time is always right to do what’s right.” and perhaps that thing he is referring to is nonviolence.  

Today’s goal: Take a breath, stay calm and remember that “War is not the answer.”