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“He who is greatest among you shall be a servant. That's the new definition of greatness. ... By giving that definition of greatness, it means that everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Someone once said, “Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.” What type of world do we want to create? Regardless of what it is, it must start today. We can all make a difference and that difference begins with our actions. Start that change off by supporting those in need. Today, most of the smaller businesses and non-profits are struggling. If you can, please support the causes and businesses that are close to your heart.  

Give what you can. Some can give a lot while others can only give their support. Having the spirit or intention matters more than “what” we give. 

Please help out others if you can. Today, we release Volume Eight of Furuya Sensei’s Art of Aikido Video series. We hope that you are enjoying Sensei’s video series. 

As part of Giving Tuesday, please donate to your favorite charity or social program. The Aikido Center of Los Angeles and the Furuya Foundation support these charitable organizations to name a few:

Little Tokyo Service Center

Terasaki Budokan

Zenshuji Soto Mission

Higashi Hongwanji

Nishi Hongwanji