
A demon who brings random misfortune 

The best warriors always leave room for the illogical. Something is typically illogical when it doesn’t fit the framework that we have created in our own minds. It is human nature to strive for certainty. We all want to “know” or think we know what is coming next. However, this “knowing” or relying on what we think we know can have dire consequences in the martial arts. All strategy is built upon a logic predicated on reading the opponent and anticipating their next move. When we have a certain amount of knowledge built up, we try to defeat them by out maneuvering them with deception or surprise. Most, if not all, martial arts are built on this same logic or “if this then that” mentality which becomes the basis of kata (型) or “form.” In the Principles of War, it is said that “Surprise can decisively shift the balance of combat power.” The martial arts is no different as someone once said, “The sucker punch is the most effective martial arts technique.” Thus, in preparation, the best warrior always leaves room for toorima or “randomness.” Toorima (通り魔) means random but literally translates as “The demon that passes by.” We cannot truly “know” anything despite the fact that we like to think that we do. The only thing we can know or rely upon is ourselves. Carl Jung said, "Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” By knowing one’s self, we gain an understanding of not only what we can or can’t do, but also where our vulnerable points may be. Having the knowledge of the self, creates a certain nimbleness or legerity which enables us to respond appropriately or spontaneously to something illogical or that thing we didn’t know was coming. This is the mental and physical agility that we strive for in Aikido. In Aikido, it is called ki no nagare (氣の流れ) or “The flow of ki.” We flow with the attack as it is happening but not as a reaction to it. As Socrate once said, “The only thing that I know is that I know nothing.” Understanding this, warriors always leave room for that thing that might be illogical to us. 

Today’s goal: Are you struggling? We struggle because we cannot accept things as they are because to us it is illogical.