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Ito Sensei demonstrates Kamakubi in this week’s 2 Minute Technique video. Kamakubi refers to the shape of the arm in the joint lock. The arm when twisted looks like a kama or Japanese sickle and kubi refers to the neck of the wrist. Generally, joint locks fall into two categories: Osae-waza or pinning techniques or kansetsu-waza or joint attack. In an osae-waza the joint and the opponent are immobilized but in a kansetsu-waza the joint is manipulated but not the opponent is not always immobilized. Sometimes people call kansetsu-waza style joint locks “come-alongs” as they are used to move people like in a police situation. An example of an osae-waza joint lock would be nikyo. Examples of kansetsu-waza joint locks would be kamakubi and sankyo. Students should know the difference between the two and not mistake one for the other. 

Sometimes there's no time to read a lengthy message or watch a long documentary. So we've created these quick and easy 2 minute techniques to help you improve your Aikido technique and knowledge. Keep an eye out for them every Wednesday. 


Watch other Aiki Dojo videos here: 2 Minute Techniques