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The Aiki Dojo 2 Minute Technique - 11 Unorthodox Aikido Joint Locks 

David Ito Sensei demonstrates some of the more unorthodox joint locks that aren’t so main stream. Generally joint locks or katame-waza (固め技) fall into two categories: osae-waza (押技) or pinning techniques or kansetsu-waza (関節技) or joint manipulations. Every Aikidoist should know a plethora of joint locks besides the kihon-waza or basic techniques. 

Sometimes there's no time to read a lengthy message or watch a long documentary. So we've created these quick and easy 2 minute techniques to help you improve your Aikido technique and knowledge. Keep an eye out for them every Wednesday. 


Watch other Aiki Dojo videos here: 2 Minute Techniques