Furuya Sensei memorial service Saturday March 6th at 11:00 AM
(see information below)


Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on January 7, 2005.

I was watching a documentary about the life of a well-known artist. He became very sick with many health problems and eventually had several strokes which destroyed his ability to paint with his right hand. Eventually, he was able to continue his painting by switching to his left hand. The hand he was told was simply an extension of his mind which allowed him to continue his work. Actually, this is a pretty amazing feat although I say it rather matter-of-factly.

I believe this is very true in Aikido practice as well. We often criticize our own physical ability because of talent or age or stiffness or some ailment but generally, these can all be overcome through the power of our own mind - if we have the right determination and motivation.

Most obstacles life presents are difficult to overcome by ourselves. Yet, such problems are not limited to our own selves. Each suffers in their own way and each person can overcome them in their own way. Aikido practice however allows us to explore our own minds very deeply and it is through this that great power can be released.

Memorial Information 
Saturday, March 6th 11:00 AM

On Saturday, March 6th 11:00 AM, the Aikido Center of Los Angeles will be holding the 14th annual memorial service for Rev. Kensho Furuya. 

The in person memorial will be held at the dojo. Rev. Kojima from Zenshuji will be inside the dojo and all other participants will be outside socially distanced. 

11:00 AM: Memorial service at the dojo 
12:30 PM: Grave site visit

Zoom ID: 864 062 7172

Pass: acladojo

Note: For those joining us on Zoom, you will be asked to register to enter so please take this into account.

We hope that you can join us!