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Furuya Sensei posted this to his Daily Message on January 4, 2005.

Instant gratification can lead to eternal aggravation

As a teacher, I would rather see my students struggle in trying to understand the correct technique and not being able to complete the throw than to see them trying to throw the person down any which way they can just to see that their partner is thrown down. If a person struggles with the correct method, eventually they will understand the technique and then the throw will eventually work effectively. 

The person who understands the correct method will develop a habit of consistent practice. When their technique goes wrong, they will know how to fix it and they will also become more sensitive to working the technique at a higher level of understanding. This is called fine polish.

The student who throws any which way they can only develops an inconsistent practice habit. Later, they are unable to notice subtle nuances to the techniques and have no sense for the finer details. This person will never cultivate the ability to correct themselves and can only continue their practice as a form of guessing or trial and error. Throwing simply to throw one's partner without any regard for correctness is only showing off and is a form, of course, of instant gratification. Eventually, this only leads to chronic aggravation. Later, when this student becomes a teacher and wants to teach their own students, they have trouble because they really are not sure which is the correct way. This is a rough polish.

In learning, consistency is most important. Like a scientific experiment, everything must have the same conditions, or one can never see the subtle differences or changes and gauge their results accurately.

As one masters correct practice, they will come to know the technique so thoroughly that they will be able to freely upgrade or downgrade the technique without any problems. All of this consistent and correct practice eventually will merge into a single "line" of the technique and they will have polished themselves to a fine level.